ERNI Electronics


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1 unit

Bulk discount rates

Below are the available bulk discount rates for each individual item when you purchase a certain amount

Buy 5 - 9 and get 10% off
Buy 10 - 49 and get 20% off
Buy 50 - 74 and get 40% off
Buy 75 or above and get 50% off
  • 174391
  • 174391
12,00€ Inc. Taxes
10,00€ Ex. Taxes


Etat : Neuf

Marque : ERNI

Modèle : 174391

Date Code : 1605+

Fabricant: ERNI Electronics

Catégorie du produit: Connecteurs D-Sub standards

Filtré: Unfiltered

Type de produit: D-Sub Connectors - Standard Density
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